9 August 2017

Letter of agreement

    * Mandatory field


    The insurance plus shipping, both ways is at your expense.

    This amount must be paid before the delivery and we need to receive a proof of your payment before the copy is sent.
    Could you return this letter by mail, duly signed with the mention “read, approved and agreed” so that we can do the invoice.
    The above conditions were calculated as fairly as possible, considering the cost of the materiel and the personnel in order to allow the film to live.



    feature film : 250 € H.T / screening
    Documentary more than 60’ : 155 € H.T/ screening
    Documentary less than 60’ : 120 € H.T /screening

    Foreign Countries

    feature film : 350 € H.T / screening
    Documentary more than 60’ : 250 € H.T/ screening
    Documentary less than 60’ : 150 € H.T /screening